Chicken with Goo and Pasta That Doesn't Have a Name

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sounds tasty doesn't it!?  Well, let's start with the chicken.  My sister (in-law) whom I adore and always speak of...Emily would be her name, makes a mean chicken and goo.  Really, the concept stems from her.  She will call me and exclaim "I HAVE A NEW CHICKEN AND GOO RECIPE!!!!"  And I will know exactly what she is talking about.  Chicken + a cream of somethin' soup baked in the oven.  I believe the original chicken and goo is simply cream of chicken soup, white wine and cheddar cheese.  Its a good goo. 

Moving on to the pasta.  As you know, there was big stuff happening this week in our in we bought our first home!!! That is why I have been trying to clear out our pantry and refrigerator.  Less to move=awesome.  So, hence this pasta that is quite tasty but has no name.  I took everything that wasn't nailed down and popped it into the pasta.  When I served it to Mr. Schwartz and asked him "hey, this pasta is going on the blog, what should we name it?"  He said, "It's too good, I can't stop eating it to figure out a name."  Helpful.  I don't think "It's Too Good, I Can't Stop Eating it to Figure Out a Name Pasta" is something I can use.  Oh well, I am taking suggestions to name this pasta if anyone would like to try it and let me know their thoughts.  : ) 

Until now, here is Chicken with Goo and Pasta That Doesn't Have a Name!! 

Enjoy Friends! 

Musical Selection: Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap.  We were going to use this for our wedding slide show but decided to go with something else.  I thought it deserved to have its time in the sun on the blog. 
As always, start with the goo.  For this version I used a can of cream of chicken soup, sour cream, dried basil and dill, black pepper, dried mustard and garlic.  
Second step, cheese.  Yes, that is cheese and not white chocolate shavings.  I brought all 3 (yes 3) cheese graters to the house already and I only had a vegetable peeler.  Worked pretty good if I do say so myself.  I used swiss cheese by the way...any cheese will do.
Mix it...
And spread on the bottom of a pan.  9x13 or a casserole will do the job. 
Then I got to work on the chicken.  I wanted to use up some crackers so I thought why not use them as the coating--especially since my bread crumbs already made it to the house....
I wanted a crispy chicken so I used the same method as the Buffalo Chicken Taco's chicken. Mix garlic salt, pepper and about a cup of flour together.
Eggs with a little water. 
Crushed crackers with a little parsley and black pepper.  And just an FYI I used the store brand Ritz Crackers--totally not the same.  I like to use store brand things because you can save so much money but there are a few things that just are not the same.  
Okay, so coat chicken in flour...
Then the cracker mixture.  Good camouflage chicken! I can barely see you in there buddy...
Place over the goo...
Then I started working on the pasta....mmm...pencil thin asparagus. 
Diced up some onion....
Fried some bacon.  Fun fact-I HATE frying bacon.  
Keep a little of the bacon fat in the pan..might as well. 
Saute the onions...
Add some garlic....
Then the asparagus 
And frozen peas....
Pop the bacon back in the pan...
Pour in a couple gluggs of white vino...
A pat of butter....mmmm bacon and butter....
Add the pasta 
And parmesan cheese.  
Take the chicken out of the oven....
Serve along side the pasta.  I put a little of the goo on the pasta as well--this was a good idea.  However, today I will be having left over pasta, cold.  
This pasta is just screaming--name meeeee!!! 

Happy Monday!!!

And, I am taking suggestions on what the first thing I should cook/bake in our kitchen that has never been used!!!! That's right this is BIG! Please help me decide either comment on the blog or on my Facebook Page.  Thank you, thank you!!! 

Chicken with Goo 
2 chicken breasts--butterflied/split to make 4 thin chicken cutlets
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream (I always use fat free) 
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/4 cracked pepper 
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 
1/2 cup shredded swiss or cheddar cheese
1 cup flour
1/4 black pepper
2 eggs
1/4 cup of water
1 sleeve Ritz crackers (well almost, I ate a few : ) 
1 tablespoon dried parsley 


Mix the soup, sour cream, dill, basil, pepper (1/4 teaspoon), cheese and garlic together.  Spread mixture in a casserole  or 9x13 baking dish. 

Next prep the chicken.  Mix flour with 1/4 teaspoon of pepper and garlic salt on one plate.  On the second plate mix the eggs and water.  On the last plate mix the crushed crackers and parsley.  Coat the chicken in the flour, then egg mixture and lastly in the crackers.  Place chicken on top of the goo mixture.  Bake in a preheated oven at 350 for about 30 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink in the middle. 

Serve with sauce poured over the top of the chicken.  

Pasta That Doesn't Have a Name 

1 pound of penne pasta
1/2 pound of bacon--diced
1 small onion
1 tablespoon garlic 
1 bunch of thin asparagus
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup white wine
1 tablespoon butter 


Start by browning the bacon.  Drain and set aside.  Pour the majority of the bacon fat out of the pan...leave just a bit barely to coat the bottom of the pan.  Dice the onion and put into the pan with minced garlic until translucent.  Add asparagus saute for a minute.  Add the peas and saute for another minute.  Add the white wine and let bubble for about a minute.  Add butter and noodles.  Mix to coat.  

Serve along side chicken if you wish top with the goo!  Enjoy this pasta cold the next day is fabulous!!! 

Recipes by: Mrs. Schwartz 

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