Our little Addison is 2 months old! I totally understand now when parents say they don't want their babies to get older. I obviously want her to be healthy and happy but at the same time, stay small and snuggle with me for life!
This month has been a little more of the same since really the majority of the day we eat, sleep, play and poop. She does more of all of that than I do. I digress…month two!
We discovered that Addie girl likes to sleep best in fleece pajamas! No more swaddles, this (little) big girl likes real jams. Thanks to my coworker Amy for her first pair so we could try them out! :)
We pop a tight onsie underneath to keep her sensor on. Love that thing.We like to hang out in the morning, daddy usually feeds Addie her bottle and I pump. I'm still worried about getting mastitis again and she isn't all that hungry in the morning so daddy bottle feeds and I make sure that I pump everything out.
Overall this baby sleeps like a champ…
Which we tried for the first time in her crib at 7 weeks! She LOVES her crib that her daddy built with papa's help!
I was a lot less anxious about putting her in her crib than I thought I would be. I think it was the combination of a. she is the loudest baby EVER…I'm not kidding b. her sensor and c. the video monitor for convenient baby stalking
All of us are getting great sleep now that she is in the crib. Addison sleeps from about 9:30-6 or 6:30! I know we are spoiled!
We also love love love going on walks. It is so good for all of us! Sometimes I pack her int he Ergo which I love but some of the days have been too hot and that makes for a sweaty mama and baby.Other days we take the stroller which she typically falls asleep by the time we get around our corner.
We even try to make it out when it is windy and cool, a little fresh air goes a long way!
On to the eating portion of the program. Clearly my production is not lacking.
I pump abut 16 oz every morning and have been stashing it away. We joke that she will be eating breast milk until she is 2. I'm only kind of kidding, is that weird?
She likes her mama milk…a lot.
I like that her daddy can give her a bottle and there aren't any issues with going back and forth every day. Addie eats between 4-6 oz at a time when bottle feeding. She has to maintain those cheeks! : )
Onto pooping. That's going fine as shown in this picture with her Nana. We were laughing so hard we cried at this one.
We have also been celebrating our favorite season starting with Halloween! No better way to celebrate than footie cozies and holiday themed books!
Sleepy little skeleton .
We also got to see our big cousins two weekends in a row. Ava and Mya were working on making signs for their daddy (my brother's) 10 mile race!The little pumpkin observed
The big girls also made acorn treats, seriously the cutest thing ever! They were really easy to make too, maybe I will do a tutorial on them for thanksgiving?
Addie also loves her some tummy time and her neck is getting super strongThe "kids" like to hang out at the edge of the kitchen while I make dinner. Rem makes me nervous for no reason besides the fact that he is a huge animal but he is great with her!
I see this a lot. Ps. her pajamas are HUGE! She is in-between 3 and 6 months in size, who knew there was such big jump!
Addie and I also have been trying to soak up the last of the warm weather by laying outside!
Her favorite place: the changing table looking up at her clock.
Wearing the outfit mama came home from the hospital in : )
Addie also had her 2 month appointment because well, she is 2 months old :) She was in the 80th percentiles for height and weight and 56% for her head. She looks apprehensive but she didn't get shots during this apt…mama's brain fell out and scheduled it too early so we had to go back to get her immunizations.
We could not be more blessed to have such a sweet (and easy) baby!
She has been an absolute blessing to our whole family
I want to eat her on the daily.
We can't wait to watch you learn and grow little one.
Your little baby girl is so precious, I can't wait to meet her! Keep the blog posts coming!
ReplyDeleteYour little son Addison is looking so cute. Happy 2 monthesary to Him. All the pictures which you have shared are so pretty and sweet. You having a great collection of memories.