I know, I can't really call this a "recipe" but once I concocted it and the cranberries started popping and the aroma started wafting...I knew I had to post it. This Simmering Winter Potpourri smells like a little slice of cozy heaven. Pop it on the stove for a few hours and your whole room will smell like a Christmas hug.
Start by pouring in some water in a large sauce pan. Bonus points for dirty sauce pans with pasta water residue!Then add a cup of cranberries. Don't worry about them all being perfect, no one is going to eat this anyway!
Add in some whole cloves
Cinnamon sticks
Halved oranges or clementines. I used clementines
A little peeled fresh ginger
Two bay leaves
And a glug (or teaspoon or so) of vanilla extract
And that's it!
Just let it simmer away on super low on the stove, adding water as needed.
Simmering Winter Potpourri
5 cups water + additional depending on how long you simmer
1 cup fresh cranberries
1/2 tablespoon whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks
2 clementines or 1 whole orange, cut in half
1x1 inch nub of fresh ginger, sliced in three
2 dried bayleaves
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine all ingredients in a pan and place on stove. Turn to medium high heat, bring to a simmer. Once simmering, reduce heat to low and let simmer as long as you would like. Keep an eye on it and add more water if it starts to get dry.
"Recipe" by: Mrs. Schwartz
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