First, I think it is a fantastic to have a place to save all of your favorite restaurants in one place. It is so easy to forget "That one place, off Oak Street, in downtown..." and this website keeps things in neat lists. Oh man do I love a good list. It also has been able to find every.single.restuarant I have looked up so far. I dig that. I also like that you can email, Facebook, Tweet, and Pin the restaurants you find. I think its perfect to be able to email a friend and say "Hey, let's go here for HH on Friday." So easy and concise. I also enjoy that you can make comments about the restaurant or the food you tried. I made some little comments about the Happy Hours since, that is what it's really about after all. Lastly, I like that the reviews are at the bottom of the page as well. Very helpful even though people typically only rate something if it is a. horrible or b. perfect.
Here comes the "constructive criticism." I wish there was an actual form/button to invite people to go to the restaurant. I am by no means a computer wiz (how in the heck did I figure out this blog stuff in the first place) but, having a link to click on to invite your friends to the restaurants on your list would be ah-mazing. It is also interesting that when you search for a restaurant they have the picture but when you put it into your lists and favorites the picture goes away. As you can see from my blog, I am a super visual person--hence a million pictures--and would like to have a picture for every restaurant without having to add it myself. Lastly, it would be nice to have the restaurant's website come up in the information along with the address. I like to check out the menu before I go out to eat these days.
Overall, I think is a cool website that will be very useful. I am always at a loss when thinking of where to go for Happy Hour (you must think I'm a lush with all this HH talk). I would suggest taking a look at it to check it out at the least. If you do, add me as a friend! My user name is MrsSchwartz and I would love to see some of your favorite restaurants.
New FOOD post coming soon. My shiny new computer is sitting next to me in the box. I thought I'd give this fossil one more go with the blog.
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